6 Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint at Home

Let’s celebrate Earth Month together! Earth Month is a great time to amplify our efforts and showcase our current initiatives to build a sustainable future for our planet and community. Earth Day, April 22, allows like-minded companies and peers to advocate for climate change solutions and bring awareness to the detrimental effects of climate change on our planet. But it shouldn’t stop there. 

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Demystifying Net Metering: What New York Solar Customers Need to Know

Whether you're new to solar or a long-time solar energy consumer, you may have encountered the term "net metering" or “net energy metering.”" Many questions and misconceptions exist about what it is, how it works, and its future in monitoring solar energy production and consumption. So, we're answering all the basics about net energy metering (NEM) and digging into some essential industry policy updates that could impact New York State solar customers in the near future.

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