Connecting the Interconnection Dots

Article Written By Matt Vanderbrook, Senior Project Developer It’s a dynamic time for the solar industry in New York and in the Finger Lakes region as illustrated by the RBJ in an recent article: “The Finger Lakes region saw the second-highest growth in solar installations across the state in the last five years, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Tuesday.” You may have heard that the cost of solar has rapidly dropped which, combined with regulatory and policy efforts at the state and federal levels, has made New York one of the best states for solar in the nation. With such rapid…

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Why The Women of GreenSpark are Working Today

GreenSpark answered the call for women and our allies to act together for equity, justice, and the human rights of women and all gender-oppressed people, through today's one-day demonstration of economic solidarity. While the women of GreenSpark do not feel discrimination within these four walls, we do experience it outside of these walls on a daily basis both work related and outside of the solar world. In solidarity with our female and gender oppressed friends we asked everyone to wear red to show support. We also asked the men of GreenSpark to tell a story either when they witnessed gender discrimination…

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