How Many Solar Panels Does Your Rochester Business Need?

How many solar panels does a business need to go solar?

Well, that depends.

This is a great question to ask, however it doesn’t have a straightforward answer. Solar energy systems aren’t one-size-fits-all, especially for businesses, where energy needs can vary drastically depending on industry.

Here are three factors that we use to determine the size of the solar energy system needed to power your business: 

Your monthly utility bill

This is one of the most important things to consider, in addition to your annual utility expenses. It’s also important to take a look at the monthly electric rate and compare this to previous months and years – over time, you could be paying twice as much for using the same amount of energy. With solar, your cost savings continue to increase over time even if your usage remains the same.

Your monthly energy consumption

Your energy costs are different from your energy usage, which is listed in kilowatt hours on your electric bill. How much energy your business needs to operate each month is a major part in determining what size solar energy system you’ll need. It’s also important to take a look at how your business uses energy and consider future energy needs. Many businesses use a great deal of energy for heating and cooling. Taking a look at this information helps to identify trends and makes it easier to determine an energy production goal, or in other words, how much of your energy need is met by solar. Generally speaking, the goal is to cover most if not all of your energy needs with solar. 

Your position in relation to the sun

Even if they’re exactly the same size, a solar array in Germany will produce less energy than a solar array in sunny California. The reason is simple – the amount of direct sunlight due to cloud cover and the angle of the sunlight reaching the panels. The season and time of day directly affect solar energy production, and these are important factors to consider when setting energy goals.

And although Rochester gets its fair share of clouds and snow, solar works incredibly well in New York state. Our long, sunny summer days often result in an overproduction of energy which can then be stored as credits with the utility company. In the winter when we receive less sun, these credits can then be applied to our account. This practice is known as net-metering, and it’s why solar works so well in Rochester!

Based on these factors and others, our solar team works closely with each business to find the best solar solution for their needs. If you’re interested in learning more about how solar would work for your business, drop us a line for a free analysis!











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