Everyone loves a success story and we have a doozy to share!
Today we are celebrating our in-house superhero, John Conklin, Solar Home Advisor. John is our longest tenured residential sales person who has sold the highest number of residential solar systems in the history of our company! He has sold over a million dollars worth of residential solar systems and has helped bring affordable solar to hundreds of people in the Greater Rochester region.
John started with GreenSpark as a temporary worker on one of our larger commercial projects and later transitioned into a permanent position as an Installer, eventually landing in Sales. His friendly, genuine, and inviting demeanor makes him successful at anything he attempts. Our company is truly grateful to have been gifted such a great employee, co-worker, and, above all, friend.
John is moving to Raleigh, North Carolina this week to explore a different part of America. He will be working for a fellow B Corp and Amicus Solar Co-op member, Southern Energy. John’s GreenSpark family will miss him, but we are thankful he will still be dedicated to greening our electric grid, bringing his skills to another state to help create a healthier and brighter future!
Safe travels, our hero!